Cold Laser Therapy in Office

Cold Laser Therapy in Office

From $35.00
per Session

Cold Laser therapy provides a non-invasive, pain-free, surgery-free and drug-free treatment option that can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Cold Laser employs deep-penetrating light which promotes vasodilation and lymphatic drainage.

This process helps release endorphins and promotes ATP production which helps relieve pain as it stimulates injured cells to heal at an accelerated pace. Although improvement is often seen after the first visit, treatment results are cumulative so each additional treatment facilitates greater improvement. Cold Laser has no known side effects and is safe and effective. 

Benefits include but are not limited to: 

  • decreased pain
  • increased wound healing
  • decreased inflammation
  • aids post surgical healing and soft tissue trauma
  • helps arthritis
  • dysplasia and back problems
  • aids degenerative disc disease
  • heals skin issues and hot spots
  • aids healing for plucking birds

Package offer: $252 for 10 sessions.

Cash Discount

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